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How to make a brick pizza oven in 10min?

This project was inspired by a set of plans and a video that I saw online on a website called garden fork TV.
It's a simple woodfired pizza oven, best pizza maker, and it's built with 97 bricks and some angle iron.
I'm always amazed at what you can get online for free. I want on Craigslist and found these bricks the next day my wife and my kids went and picked them up and here we are.
You wanted to be sure to use clay bricks they're going to be more fire-resistant and hold the heat better.
The folks on garden fork TV used a different angle iron from the bed frame, we're trying to use some of that but I also have the fence stakes which have a 90 degree on both sides.
I think it'll work well too. I'm going to use an angle grinder and cut these to 28 inches.
When you're hauling bricks across the lake and up the hill it's good to have a teenager to help you, of course, they do eat a lot of pizza so it's only right that they're helping.
This build could be simpler it's really just bricks stacked on top of bricks. once you stock the bricks up and made your sidewalls this is where the metal comes into play.
These angle iron here on the ends and the fence posts are secured of the joints than your top bricks simply stand up cross those.
We're lucky that most of the wood on a property is oak which is perfect for a wood-fired pizza.
You still have some things to learn about making pizza in a wood fire pizza oven, it's a bit tricky but we got better at it as the day went on and I think next time it'll be even better but no matter how it looks this pizza tasted fantastic.
One of the best things about this project is that it costs $0.
The bricks were free on Craigslist the metal is a scrap I had lying around. you can often find bed frames on the side of the road, a little bit of effort and you have a homemade pizza oven.


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